
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 20:00:54

Have every night together with I grabbing the cotton-wadded quilt companion , her fault and others because of that expresses him.
有每夜和我抢棉被的伴侣, 因为那表示他/她不是和别人在一起。
Have teen-agers that can watch TV but not washing dishes , be not to roam about outside because of that indicates that his/ her little dear is at home.
有只会看电视而不洗碗的青少年,因为那表示他/她乖乖在家而不是流浪在外。I pay taxes, because of that indicates that I have a job. Clothes are more and more tight , that indicates that I eat very good.
我缴税,因为那表示我有工作。 衣服越来越紧,那表示我吃得很好。
Have a shadow to accompany my physical labour, that indicates that I move downwards in bright sunlight. 有阴影陪伴我劳动,那表示我在明亮的阳光下。
And wait for the grassplot trimming , wait for the window checking up, wait for the escape canal mending, that indicates that I have a family.
Can find that motor stoppage keeping away from most because of that indicates that I can walk, still have good fortune at present having v